I’ve always felt the passage of time intensely. Whether reflecting on the promise of the New Year’s reset or dreading the end of a weekend, I feel time in the marrow of my bones. I have to work hard not to mourn the end of a vacation when I’m only halfway through it.
Certain seasons, like the start of the new school year, inevitably bring melancholy as I reckon with my daughter’s years at home dwindling to a mere palmful. As they say about the tricky time warp of parenthood: the days are long, but the years are short.
But usually, I mark my birthday joyfully. I only have to look to my vibrant Mema, who turned 101 this month, to feel optimistic about the life ahead of me. If this is what I have to look forward to, I’ll move smilingly toward it. To quote Shakespeare, "With mirth and laughter, let old wrinkles come."

This morning, as I celebrate my 45th birthday, I am especially proud of myself for having the courage to make a mid-life career pivot—for starting my own business and designing it around the life I want to live. Had I not, I am certain I would have woken up this morning wondering if I was sacrificing purpose and adventure for security.
And I’m also grateful for you, my community of clients and friends, for all you’ve taught me about how to get the most out of this singular life.

MindFrame, LLC delivers leadership coaching and strategic consulting to help leaders and teams make bold moves with confidence. MindFrame is based in the Greater New Orleans Area and conducts on-site and virtual services nationwide.